The Larry Sellers 40 hour full Texas School Guardian Training Grant was established by The Jeff Sellers & Terri Sellers Living Trust. The grant was created in late 2023 in an effort to help schools provide training to staff members who will be carrying a firearm on campus to protect against an active shooter. This is due to the new law for Texas schools to have armed people at school during school hours.
The grant provides funds for school staff members to attend the 5 day, 40 hour full program that includes the Texas DPS school safety training as defined in Texas Govt. Code 411.1901 with Texas School Guardian Program, LLC. Located in Marble Falls, Texas. The purpose of the program is to provide defensive force against an active shooter at a school in order to save lives and mitigate lives lost. The lack of availability of armed security guards who are trained for active shooter situations and lack of available law enforcement make the Guardian Program a viable and economical choice. Upon being awarded the grant Texas School Guardian Program will be paid directly. The district is responsible for paying the balance for training.
School staff members are already on site, know their school layout and will protect kids. This program meets with new law requirements for training school staff.
Grant Application Opens: 1-15-25
Grant Application Closes: 2-15-25
Occurrence: Annually
Grant Award Notifications: 2-20-25
The grant will be limited to 10 ISD, CISD or public Charter school districts. The grant will be applied to the DPS school safety training in the amount of $1,000. per staff member directly to Texas School Guardian Program, LLC.
Grant Limits (size is based high school UIL or TAPPS rating)
1A 4 staff members
2A 6 staff members
3A 8 staff members
4A 8 staff members
5A 12 staff members
Texas School Guardian Program will notify those awarded notice will also be given to the Guardian program director. Scheduling for training can begin after award letters are provided. Training must be completed between the grant award date and 12-31-2024. Grant will be available each year until further notice. The written award will contain program details and contacts.
Jeff & Larry Sellers started Schools On Target, LLC in 2005. Larry was Jeff’s dad. Shortly after starting the company, Larry was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It was a battle over a decade and Larry passed away in 2021. Larry was a big baseball nut and loved working with schools to help make them safer.